Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1971: View to the south from Gough Hill Road showing Lysholt, Clavadel, Peak Police Station & Villa Rosa circa 1971.jpg

2008: Wat Maktham Vanaram1.jpg

2008: Wat Maktham Vanaram2.jpg

2008: Wat Maktham Vanaram3.jpg

2008: Wat Maktham Vanaram4.jpg

2008: Wat Maktham Vanaram5.jpg

: LytonHouseModyRoad.JPG

1910: Lower Peak Tram station circa 1911 from Smithsonian.jpg

1954: Office party

1954: IMG_20150627_0003.jpg

1949: IMG_20150627_0002.jpg

1951: Far East Motors demonstration TR2

: Morse House 1954

: Morse House 1956 and 1994

1950: 1950 s PRC Womens Bowling Team.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe, Cliff & Kathleen Pope.jpg

1950: 1950 s PRC - Peggy Lowe, Beryl Maxwell, Kathleen Pope.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe & Beryl Maxwell.jpg

1957: 1957 David O'Brien.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe and Pat O Brien.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe & Ann Summers.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe, Pat O Brien, Ena Cochrane.jpg

1950: 1950 s Peggy Lowe.jpg

1950: 1950 s PRC Mens Bowls Championship - Percy Lowe (Capt) (2).jpg

1950: 1950 s Lancastrian Society Dinner - Percy Lowe, founder President (2).jpg
