Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1952: Plt Off Lew Mose

1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall receives his Wings from Air Cdre S E Faber

1952: Plt Off Lew Mose receives his Wings. Flt Lt Cooke QFI RAF looks on.

1940: Manchukuo Airlines (MKK) Ju86 Crash at Kwanti Racecourse on 5 September 1940

2014: Foundations

2014: Building

2014: Camouflage paint?

2000: Junction of Severn & Plantation Roads 2000

2006: Junction of Severn & Plantation Roads 2006

1941: Central Vehicular Ferry Pier

1941: Central Vehicular Ferry Pier

1940: Junction of Queen's Road Central and Wyndham Street

1941: Central Vehicular Ferry Pier

1941: Mount Kellett

1941: Queen Mary Hospital

1951: Raffle Presentation by Flt Lt Greta Eardley to Plt Off Gordon Randall

1951: Plt Off Bretling on Rescue Exercise

1951: Flt Lt George B Scotty Munroe QFI RAF

1951: Scotty Munroe Exhausted after Exercise

1951: Yvonne and Lew Mose

1951: HKAAF

1951: HKAAF

1951: Gordon Randall

1951: Lew Mose

1951: Lew Mose, ???, Arthur Garcia
