Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1951: Eric McKenzie, Lew Mose, plus 3

1951: Sgt Akeroid flanked by two Other RAF

1951: HKAAF

1951: HKAAF

1951: HKAAF

1950: Norman Marsh's maybe

1951: HKAAF

1951: Lew Mose, ano, George Bain, Gordon Randall

1940: Cricket Party (The Royal Scots V. HKVDC). 29 December, 1940.

2014: Randall preparing for flight in Harvard at Sek Kong.jpg

1950: Time for Tea

1950: HKAAF

1950: Another job well done

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF

1950: Harvards taking off

1950: HKAAF

1950: Gordon Randall

1950: Spitfires' turn

1950: HKAAF

1950: HKAAF
