Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1953: RAF Meteor at Sek Kong

1953: At RAF Sek Kong

1953: At Sek Kong

1953: Seaplanes returning from Korea

1953: Seaplane returning from Korea

1953: Gordon Randall, Lelaine Mok, Tracy Brown and Archie Lang

1953: Lelaine Mok, Gordon Randall, Tracy Brown, Hazel and Dr Eddie Gosano

1953: HKAAF social function

1953: Armistice Day

1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Plt Off Lew Mose

1952: Gordon Randall and Leo Strange

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF at Kai Tak

1952: HKAAF function at KCC

1952: Alice Oei and Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Alice Oei and Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall, Flt Lt Donald Malcolm and Guests

1952: Plt Off Randall and Guests
