Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1969: Squatters huts, 1969

2014: Barbara Anslow's diary for 8 Dec, 1941

2014: Barbara Anslow's diary for 7 Dec, 1941

1948: #032 A Hospital building - Kowloon 1948 .JPG

2014: 033 A Hospital building - Kowloon 1948.JPG

1948: 030 A Hospital building - in Kowloon.JPG

1948: 031 Landscape to right of Hospital building.JPG

2014: People

2014: People

2014: People

2014: Entrance to the charcoal cave

2014: Looking out from the charcoal cave

2014: Nails

2014: Looking into the charcoal cave

2014: Looking into the charcoal cave

2014: People

1960: VW_Transporter_Type1_schoolbus.jpg

1860: St. John's Place?

1863: St.John Place

1935: 1930s Caine Road

1930: 1930s Catholic Cathedral

1960: StJoseph'sComplexMap.jpg

2014: Victoria Road

2014: Remains of squatter hut

2014: Remains of squatter hut
