Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1923: building destroyed 1923 Typhoon or Storm damage

1923: 1923 Damage being inspected after typhoon or storm

1923: Damaged Building - Typhoon 1923

1923: Damaged Building - Typhoon 1923

1923: Ship on Rocks after Typhoon 1923

1932: YMCA

1932: Rickshaws

1932: Roof of Peninsula

1932: Peninsula Hotel's main entrance

1932: Nathan Road / Middle Road junction

1932: Drinking fountain?

1954: 1954 Cable & Wireless Motorcycles

1920: Motor bike registration plate

: ols spot

: queens birthday parade in Kowloon 1961 17th/21st Lancers

1925: Repulse Bay Hotel

1925: Repulse Bay Hotel

: Typical Hill Street, Hongkong

1950: Cars park in Statue Square, Hong Kong, in the 1950s.

1950: Cars parked in front of the Supreme Court, 1950s

1923: Typhoon 1923 - Hong Kong Habour Damage + Sunken Ship

1923: Happy Valley Racecourse Flooding - heavy rainfall 1923

1923: 1923 Typhoon Tram Damage

1897: Victoria Hospital Foundation Stone Laying 1897

1923: Unveiling of Cenotaph May 1923
