Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1959: 1950s Star Ferry

1955: 1950s Junction of Hennessy Road and Arsenal Street

1955: 1950s Taikoo Dockyard

1955: 1950s Kai Tak Control Tower

1955: 1950s Grand Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui

1954: 1954 Queen's Road Central

1953: 1953 Canton Road

1954: 1954 Kai Tak Airport

1954: 1954 Ice House Street

1996: 1990s Duddell Street Steps

1967: 1967 So Kun Po Recreation Ground

1966: 1966 Chater Road

1967: 1967 The Governor at Government Stadium

1965: 1965 RAF Little Sai Wan

1967: 1967 Government Stadium

1967: 1967 Government Stadium

1965: 1965 Former Ascot House Hotel

1967: 1967 Government Stadium

1966: 1966 Ohel Leah Synagogue

1966: 1966 Hong Kong Club

1967: 1967 Bank of China Building

1966: 1966 Chater Road

1966: 1966 Hong Kong Club

1967: 1967 Hilton Hotel

1967: 1967 Bank of China Building
