Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1974: Lau Fau Shan

1976: Ha Tsuen

1976: Ha Tsuen

1900: Deformed Bound Feet

1974: Deep Bay

1975: Praying Ceremony

2000: Concubines - real and imaginary.

: Concubines - imaginary

1900: Flogging - place and date unknown.

1954: Where is this?

1925: 1920s View of Central from the Harbour

1925: Building on hillside

1925: Ava House (?), Ava Mansions, and Branksome Towers

1925: Buildings on hillside

1925: View down Ice House Street to the Bank of Canton

1925: City Hall

1925: Sedan Chairs, Rickshaws, and launches

1925: King's Building

1925: St. George's Building

1925: Queen's Building

1925: Star Ferry Pier

1997: RHKP Badge at Police Training School, Wong Chuk Hang

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

1904: Peng Chau Limekiln Factories
