Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1904: Peng Chau Limekiln Factories

1904: Peng Chau

1943: Yesterday / Today

1941: "Showing a bit of leg at the V.A.D. review, April 1941"

1963: SWISSAIR Convair 990 Coronado HB-ICA - Kai Tak - 1962/63

1963: Ill-fated GARUDA Lockheed Electra L-188 PK-GLB taxiing at Kai Tak - 1962/3

1965: 1960s Kai Tak Observation Deck

1962: 1960s Kai Tak Observation Deck

1962: 1960s Kai Tak Observation Deck

1960: BOAC Comet 4 G-APDJ at Kai Tak - late 1960's

2013: burmese python

1980: 1980 Runway 13

1976: Random photo from a bomb location

1975: Marksman unit

: Mass Transit Railway and police

: Mass Transit Railway and police

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

: Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.
