1949: Col Ride Inspecting
1949: HE Arrives Outside Peninsula Hotel
1949: Flt Lt T P Styles and Plt Off Sandy Wigram Lead the March Past
1950: Flt Lt Rake, Wg Cdr Wood, Sqn Ldr Jones
1950: Bob & Auster Aircraft.jpg
1950: Mechanical Service Crew.jpg
1950: Bob Tatz at Kai Tak.jpg
1950: Harvards taking off
1950: RAF Support at Kai Tak
1950: George Wallett & Allan Badham at Kai Tak.jpg
1950: Servicing MK18 Spitfires.jpg
1950: Joey Rodrigues & Bob at Kai Tak.jpg
1950: Another job well done
1950: Is this an Invasion?
1950: Arthur Garcia dreaming
1950: Two RAF Chaps with A W Wood in Background
1950: Norman Marsh's maybe
1950: Welcome to the Shek Kong Hilton
1950: The New Pierced Steel Planking Runway
1951: Lew Mose, ???, Arthur Garcia
1951: Scotty Munroe Exhausted after Exercise
1951: Raffle Presentation by Flt Lt Greta Eardley to Plt Off Gordon Randall
1951: Eric McKenzie, Lew Mose, plus 3
1951: Yvonne and Lew Mose
1951: Plt Off Bretling on Rescue Exercise
1951: Lew Mose, ano, George Bain, Gordon Randall
1951: Sgt Akeroid flanked by two Other RAF
1951: Flt Lt George B Scotty Munroe QFI RAF
1952: Plt Off Randall and Guests
1952: Alice Oei and Plt Off Gordon Randall
1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall receives his Wings from Air Cdre S E Faber
1952: Alice Oei and Plt Off Gordon Randall
1952: Plt Off Lew Mose receives his Wings. Flt Lt Cooke QFI RAF looks on.
1952: Gordon Randall and Leo Strange
1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall
1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall, Flt Lt Donald Malcolm and Guests
1952: HKAAF function at KCC
1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall
1952: Operational low level
1952: HKAAF-crashed Harvard recovery-1952
1953: Gordon Randall, Lelaine Mok, Tracy Brown and Archie Lang
1953: Lelaine Mok, Gordon Randall, Tracy Brown, Hazel and Dr Eddie Gosano
1953: Seaplanes returning from Korea
1953: RAF Meteor at Sek Kong
1953: HKAAF social function
1953: Seaplane returning from Korea
1953: Happy Valley maybe HE and Colonel Ride
1954: IMG_20180322_0001.jpg
1954: Brian Farrell HKAAF accident-18-07-1954
1955: 1955 Auxiliary Air Force Harvard IIB
1959: Hong Kong Auxilary Air Force-social-group-circa 1959
2014: Randall preparing for flight in Harvard at Sek Kong.jpg
: G C Randall receives wings
: G C Randall receives wings (newspaper clippings)