Photos tagged "1910s" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "1910s"

1870: Postcard Hong Kong; Chinese Barber in the Street; No. 644 Itinerant Barbers.

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Hongkong. Residences about Midway between the Peak and the City.

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Stone steps of Pottinger Street; Chinese Junk carrying cargo near Kowloon, Hongkong.

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Mahomedam Mosque of Kowloon

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Happy Valley during a Race Meeting. Hongkong.

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Greetings from Hongkong Chinese Fortune Teller

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper postcards by M. Sternberg

1910: Lower Peak Tram station circa 1911 from Smithsonian.jpg

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Chinese Wedding Procession. Hongkong
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