Photos tagged "Ektachrome" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "Ektachrome"

1959: "A52 Hong Kong Harbour"

1959: "A52 Hong Kong Harbour"

1960: "A Natives of HK"

1960: "A11 Rickshaws"

1960: "A41 A floating restaurant Aberdeen HK"

1960: "Chinese bride HK"

1960: "A33 Worshipping"

1960: "Fortune-tellor HK"

1960: "A23 Hong Kong by night"

1960: "Vehicle Ferry Pier HK"

1960: "A19 Peninsula Hotel Kowloon"

1960: "A45 A hawker HK"

1960: "Actress HK"

1960: "Star Ferry pier"

1960: "Des Voeux Rd HK"

1960: "A12 Star_Ferry HK to Kowloon"

1960: "A46 Country girls HK"

1960: "Shek O HK"

1960: "A35 Botany Garden HK"

1960: "Altar of Buddhist HK"

1960: "A25 Aberdeen HK"

1960: "A21 Repulse Bay HK"

1960: "Hak Ka Woman HK"

1960: "Chinese Taoist HK"

1960: "93 Lion Dance"

1960: "Queen's Rd HK"

1960: "A13 Street scene of HK"

1960: "Boat Woman HK"

1960: "Night view of Wanchai HK"

1960: "A37 Cable tram HK"

1960: "Letter-writer HK"

1960: "A29 Kowloon Canton Railway Station"

1960: "A57 Chinese funeral"

1960: "A Natives of HK"

1960: "A22 Repulse Bay Hotel HK"

1960: "A60 Business centre HK"

1960: "Boat Woman HK"

1960: "A34 Market place HK"

1960: "Chinese Junks HK"

1960: "A14 Fruit stall"

: "Ancient Chinese Costume"
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