Photos tagged "traffic pagoda" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "traffic pagoda"

1925: 1920s Junction of Queen's Road Central and Pedder Street

1925: Policeman

1925: 1920s Garden Road

1925: 1920s Star Ferry, Praya Central

1930: 1930s Pedder Street

1930: 1930s Ice House Street

1930: 1930s Garden Road Traffic Lights

1932: Traffic Police umbrella

1935: 1930s Nanyang Hotel

1950: 1950s Junction of Nathan & Jordan Roads

1950: DSC00223.JPG

1950: 1950s Jordan Road ferry pier

1950: Nam Cheong and Un Chau street junction

1953: CMA (Chinese Manufacturers Association) Exhibition 1953/54

1954: 1954 Fenwick Street

1954: Soldier of Fortune - intro street scene

1955: 1950s Stewart Road

1955: 1955 Salisbury Rd.jpg

1955: 1955 Fenwick Street

1956: Traffic policeman.

1956: 1956 Wanchai streetscene

1956: DSC00216.JPG

1956: Junction_of_kennedy_road_and_garden_road

1957: Queens Road, Central

1957: 1957 Junction of Fenwick Street and Hennessy Road

1957: Nathan Road 1957.

1958: Chinese Methodist Church 1958

1958: Traffic Policeman 1958. Location not known. yet!—-It is now!!

1958: 1950s Fred Evans' photos

1958: 1958 Junction of Fenwick Street and Hennessy Road

1958: Traffic Pagoda at the Peninsula Hotel

1958: Traffic Policeman 1957.location not known, yet!—-It is now!!

1958: Popular taylor.jpg

1959: 1959 Traffic Pagoda - Junction of Hennessy Road and Fenwick Street

1959: Policeman on point duty

1959: 1959 Connaught Road Central

1960: Nathan Road c.1960

1960: NathanRd_TaiPoRd_BoundarySt_CSWRd 1960s.jpg

1960: 1960 Hennessy Road at night

1960: Princess Cinema Nathan Road.

1960: 1960s Traffic Pagoda

1960: 1960s Connaught Road Central

1960: Traffic Policeman

1960: 1960s Junction of Nathan & Austin Roads

1960: 1960s Central Star Ferry Subway

1960: Nathan Road 1960's

1961: 1961 Salisbury Road

1961: 1961 Salisbury Road

1961: 1961 TST Streetscene (1)

1961: 1961 Central Queen's Rd C

1961: Peak Tram lower terminus

1961: 1961 Junction of Stewart & Hennessy Roads

1962: 1962 street. Where was this taken?

1962: 1962 Junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road

1962: 1962 Statue Square

1962: 2018-09-10-0095.jpg

1963: 1963 HK (15).jpg

1963: Royal Theatre at Nathan Road in 1963

1964: 1964 TST Hotel Miramar

1964: 1964 HK Traffic Policeman

1965: 1960s Junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road

1965: 1960s Nathan Road

1965: 1965 Junction of Queen's Road East & Hennessy Road

1965: 1960s Star Ferry Multi-storey Car Park

1965: 1960s Jordan Road

1965: Traffic Pagodas

1965: 1960s Sun Ya Hotel, Nathan Road, Mong Kok

1966: 1966 Causeway Road

1966: 06-Hong Kong 1966_0039.jpg

1966: 1966 Hong Kong Club

1966: 1966 Chater Road

1966: 1960s Traffic Pagoda

1967: 1967 Tram line

1967: 1967 central

1967: Queen's Road 1967

1968: 1968 Traffic Pagoda

1968: 1968 Junction of Fenwick Street and Hennessy Road

1968: 1960s Traffic Pagoda - Junction of Hennessy Road and Fenwick Street

1969: 1960s Causeway Road

1971: 1970s Traffic Pagoda

1975: Junction Peak Rd + Barker Rd, 1975

1980: Traffic Pagoda at the junction of Barker Road and Peak Road

1995: 1990s Traffic Pagoda, Police Museum, Coombe Road

2014: hkp 5.jpg

: Wanchai Traffic Police 1940's.jpg

: Photo631384319736.1.1_inner_0-0-1000-0-0-798-1000-798.JPG

: traffic_kiosk_on_garden_road_1950s.jpg

: Junction of Peak Road and Magazine Gap Road 1962.jpg

: 536171087.207785.jpg
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