Everything tagged "Aberdeen Reservoir" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Aberdeen Reservoir"

Possible WWII storage hut [????- ]

Note: the GPS reading is not as accurate as I thought at this spot as the location was between two ridges.  Have to go there again for some visual survey to get it right later.

26 Marker stone near Aberdeen Reservoir [????- ]

Mysterious marker stone 24 near Wanchai Gap [????- ]

I saw this one yesterday, but have no idea what it's for.

Mysterious marker stone near Wanchai Gap

Pillbox besides main dam of Upper Aberdeen Reservoir [1940- ]

Date Place completed: 

This vent prompted me to go after it.

This appears to be one of those waterworks stone markers to me. 

WWII Bunker in the Aberdeen Reservor area [????- ]

When I saw this bunker earlier today I was scolding myself for how the devil could I miss this one in my previous walks in the area..... The one is right besides the information post.

WWII bunkers in the Aberdeen Reservoir Area [????- ]

The marker shown above is just an approximate location.  The reading on my GPS logger for this location is Lat: 22.258278N Long: 114.168346E  If only we could input Longitude/Latitude information there.........   This bunker is very close to a Pillbox.  There is a concrete slap across the the Lady Clementi's Ride, which I think is for the land line for communication.

The concrete slap across the path:

Pillbox in the Aberdeen Reservoir area [1940- ]

Date Place completed: 

Entrance of the Pillbox


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