Photos tagged "battery" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "battery"

1841: Fort Victoria Kowloon

1841: Fort Victoria

1857: Pedders Hill, the Peak and Fort Victoria

1889: Victoria Battery 1889.jpg

1920: 1920s Belcher's Battery

1949: Belchers Fort 18 May 1949.jpg

1956: 1956 Kowloon West Battery

1973: Pinewood Battery 1973

1973: Pinewood Battery overlooking Stonecutters

1982: Hong Kong Earth Station Stanley Point 1982

2015: Jubilee Battery no. 1 6-inch MKVII coastal gun emplacement

2015: Jubilee Battery no. 3 6-inch MKVII coastal gun emplacement

2015: Jubilee Battery no. 2 Gun Emplacement Ammunition Storage

2015: Jubilee Battery no.2 6-inch MKVII coastal gun emplacement

2021: IMG_20210125_GaugeBasinBattery.jpg

: Stonecutters island South shore battery

: Pak Sai Wan battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island East battery

: Pak Sai Wan battery

: Stanley Battery

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island South shore battery

: Pak Sai Wan battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island East battery

: Pak Sai Wan battery

: Belchers Upper Bty

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Stanley Battery

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island South shore battery

: Pak Sha Wan battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island East battery

: Pak Sai Wan battery

: Stanley battery

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Tai Tam Fork Battery Sketch

: Stanley Battery

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery

: Stonecutters island West battery

: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: Stonecutters island Central battery
Subscribe to Photos tagged "battery"