Everything tagged "Undated" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Undated"

War Memorial Hospital

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

  My memory is going. Which building was this on the peak, I thought it was a hospital?

c.1963 Tai Hang

Image (external): 

Any guesses on dates? There's discussion on the Flickr page about whether it should be 1960s or 70s. (Click through to Flickr to see the larger version too)

Also look at the terraces behind the Tiger Balm Gardens. Were those hills farmed as recently as this, or is it just a cleared squatter area?

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 
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Details of statues in Statue Square

Photo courtesy of Liz Chater, giving a graphical summary of her research on Statue Square.

Mt. Gough looking from Mt. Kellett - house names

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Names of buildings marked with boxes: Left to right - top to bottom:

The Mount (Jardines)
Wellburn (just a bit)
Government Villas
Dunnottar (Two rectangles, but one property)
The Neuk

Peak Church
Stokes Bungalow (East & West)
The Falls
Stewart Terrace
Leigh Tor (above Stewart Terrace)

Fleet Club: then & now

The Belvedere

Image (external): 
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Terminus Fire Station

Image (external): 
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KCR Terminus

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Can anyone put a decade on this photo?

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 
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