Everything tagged "H.H.I.L. Marker Stone" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "H.H.I.L. Marker Stone"

H.H.I.L. 293 & 296 Marker Stone @ 44 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom [????- ]

Hi there,

After bumping into the K.I.L. Markers on Ma Tau Wai Road I decided to take a look in the neighbourhood for houses being built more or less in the same period and indeed, I found another set of H.H.I.L Markers on the first step of another staircase in Wuhu Street.

H.H.I.L. 168 Marker Stone around Kwan Yin Temple in Station Street, Hung Hom [????- ]

Hi there,

Again there are three pieces of H.H.I.L. 168 Market Stones.  One each at the two corners of the temple building on Station Street, and anothre in the back alley.

Best Regards,


H.H.I.L. 444 Marker Stone in the Hung Hom Area [????- ]

Hi there,

I had been walking around in Hung Hom last night after work.  Surprise, I found there are quite a lot of these marker stone around.  I saw three pieces of this H.H.I.L. 444 stone around the corners of the Poo Ai Primary School, a school that was already closed down last year.

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