leitao66@gmail.com | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong



Member for
4 years 7 months

Posts & comments by this user

Shows posts that this user has created and / or commented on.
Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending
Story Macau Admin 3 Mon, 2022-01-17 00:03
Person Alfred William Leonard RAMSEY [1897-1966] tony ramsey 1 Sun, 2021-06-06 19:05
Story 2. Search these resources that may have information about the person Admin 3 Fri, 2021-02-26 14:48
Forum topic Macau WW2 - death certficate search cheufay 3 Thu, 2021-02-25 15:27
Person Frederic A. SILVA (aka Jim) [1928- ] LizB 3 Sat, 2018-02-24 17:53