The Vampire was the second jet fighter in service with the R.A.F. It was replaced by the very similar Venom.
Sek Kong Vampire and Audrey.
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Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- Sek Kong Vampire and Audrey. shows Place RAF Sek Kong / Shek Kong Airfield [????- ]
Vampire Jet Planes
Thanks Andrew for the close-up front view of the jet. All my views were from the rooftop when I flew kites in 1956-57. They were in formations of 3 or more, very seldom in 2, and none single. My space centered on Ki Lung and Boundary Street junction so other spaces might be different. Regards, Peter
Hi Peter,
Hi Peter,
You must have been very close to the flight path for planes landing at Kai Tak. Are some of the buildings at that junction on Google Earth Street view the same ones as when you were young? Best wishes, Andrew
Vampire Jet Plane Flight Path
Hi Andrew, I never would have thought then - one of the Kai Tak runways aligned well with Boundary Street. There was no ban on kite-flying in my neighbourhood.
The original buildings in my neighbourhood were 3- and 4-level shophouses. Starting in late 1950s, taller buildings appeared first the 6-level's, then higher and higher. My 4-level building at Boundary and Ki Lung junction was demolished in about 1966 replaced by the (current) 13-storey Po Hing Builing. The area during my 2014 return visit was no longer recognizable, typical for someone who returned after a long absence. Only the street patterns remain the same so it was easy to navigate.
Certain scenes stay with us for life, in my case, seeing two jet planes (likely Vampires) flying behind (north of) Beacon Hill from my balcony, and the moving train on the Boundary Street overpass while standing on the road next to my home. Air quality and road traffic could have been a factor. Regards, Peter
Hi Peter,
Hi Peter,
I first landed on runway number 7:15 at about 0730hrs on Thursday 24 October 1957. The B.OA.C. Argonaut came in really low over the rooftops of Kowloon and we must have descended more or less along Boundary Street, I have a distinct memory of people waving to us from the balconies of the buildings. If you were flying your kite that morning you might even have watched our plane not far above your head. As there would have been very few planes coming into Hong Kong in those days, I suspect everyone on the ground would have looked up. It might be a false memory but I have always remembered people waving down from balconies that were higher up than the plane. Maybe our paths crossed as long ago as that!
Best wishes, Andrew
Sek Kong Vampire and Audrey
Hi Andrew, we might have crossed path that day, but not the way we would have imagined.
Since that was a school day (Good Hope School for me), my city bus could have been travelling on Prince Edwards Road towards the airport during your landing. We were then travelling in the same direction.
Had your plane landed on the other runway (Runway 31 with its new extension), my bus could have been stopped during your landing, a scenario closest to us crossing path. For all practical purposes, may I say that we did cross path that day. Regards, Peter
Landing on Runway 07
Following the main roads.......
Thanks Peter and Moddsey.
Thanks Peter and Moddsey.
I have often wondered what happened to the two old concrete runways after the new one jutting out into Kowloon Bay came into use in September 1958.
Best wishes, Andrew
Andrew - I take it you flew Vampires in Kowloon? I'd love to know more. I'm currently researching a book entitled "Vampire Boys" and I'd love to have a chat about your experiences, if it's something you might be interested in?
Best wishes,
Sorry to disappopint you
Sorry to disappoint you Charlotte, but I was not a pilot in the R.A.F., neither was Frank Curzon who took the photograph.