St. Joan of Arc School (2nd generation) [1960-1987]
Primary tabs

Submitted by David on Tue, 2012-02-14 18:33
Current condition:
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed:
Date Place demolished:
I'm not sure of the dates for completion / demolition. It is shown at this location on a 1958 map (Plate 7-3, Mapping Hong Kong book).
St. Joan of Arc School
St Joan of Arc School
I was in St Joan of arc School from 1962 to 1972 and as far as I know the school was self contained, we never used any other premises apart from the building shown above.
Submitted by a4pacific on Sat, 2012-02-04 23:26.
St Joan of Arc
The St Joan of Arc school building shown on the photograph was the new building, completed in around 1960. I entered St Joan of Arc Kindergarten in around 1957-58 period, in an older building on the same site. That building used to be Wah Yan College, and before that, St. Joseph's College.
During construction of the new school building, classes took place in the building on the right side. I think it was called St. Joseph's House. After the new St Joan of Arc was completed, St. Joseph House undergone a major refurbishment, all the mouldings and decorative motives removed. It then became a hostel. The hostel operated until the late 70's and re-developed into today's Bishop Lei Hotel. I believe the above photo was taken in the 70's.
Added dates
Completion: 1960 - see aetse's notes above
Demolition: 1987 - as Robinson Heights were completed in 1989
These are estimates, corrections welcome.
Regards, David
Original building
The first generation of this building was St Joseph's College Southern block at Robinson Road: