Another faded Agfa tranny from the 1960's. Cheaper than Kodachromes and processed locally by Jebsens - so no need to send them away. False economy, it proved.
Any thoughts on what looks like a collection of Nissan huts on the lower left of the photo ?
Re: Nissen Huts
Isn't that Waterloo Road and Osborn Barracks?
Blackdown Barracks
Off the top of my head, I would hazard a guess that this was the site of Blackdown Barracks. In the 80s I played league cricket there.
Re: Nissen Huts
Looked at a 'brighter' postcard, the Nissen huts in the photo were in the MOD property designated for St. George's School, Kowloon Tong with the KCR train tracks on the right.
Not Blackdown Barracks
Yes Moddsey has it right.