Looks like Fairey Flycatchers over the Airfield.
1927 Kai Tak Airfield
Primary tabs

Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Saturday, January 1, 1927
- 1927 Kai Tak Airfield shows Place Kai Tak Airfield / Airport [????- ]
- 1927 Kai Tak Airfield shows Place Kowloon City Police Station (2nd generation) [1925-1942]
- 1927 Kai Tak Airfield shows Place New Kowloon Cinema Theatre / 新九龍映戲院 [1926-1941]
Kai Tak airfield
The aircraft images appear to have been inserted into the picture for some reason i.e. a 'mocked- up' image
However, its still an interesting view of the airfield and its surroundings. Normally we don't see so much of the background and the road leading away into the distance
Kai Tak Airfield
Greetings, and thanks IDJ, I would never have given it a thought. The sun's shadow on the fuselage differ from those made by buildings on the ground. Am I looking along Argyle Street in the photo, and the water? Regards, Peter
Interesting Observations
Interesting observations about the photo. Thanks. Kai Tak Road is the road on the left that merges with Prince Edward Road and Boundary Street further up.
The police station is visible
The police station is visible, the building with the dark roof at the far end of the line of buildings on the left of the photo.