Japanese tunnel (Mt. Nicholson, above Wong Nai Chung valley) [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Japanese tunnel (Mt. Nicholson, above Wong Nai Chung valley) [????- ]

Current condition: 

Where is it?  I was decending from the Radio station at the top of Mt. Nicholson, following a square pipe, all the way down hill, until I want to make a left turn near the location shown on the map. I was trying to break through the woods so that I could quickly get down to Wong Nai Chung road. Then I came across this tunnel opening.

Japanese Tunnel (Mt. Nicholson, above Wong Nai Chung road)
Japanese Tunnel (Mt. Nicholson, above Wong Nai Chung road), by 762

Photos that show this place


Thanks for adding the photo and location. This is one of the upper entrances to a large tunnel that runs down into the hill and out at a lower exit. We've got some more notes and photos of it at https://gwulo.com/node/18102

I can confirm   this is one of 3 upper entrances, I believe this one has the staircase immediately inside.

Is it possible to delete this marker? Existing marker already exists and this might appear a bit redundant.