GDL direction slab, Kwai Au Shan (Lower Hebe Hill) [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

GDL direction slab, Kwai Au Shan (Lower Hebe Hill) [????- ]

Current condition: 

Year completed is: Accurate
Condition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visible
Date of last visit:
Ref: ROB-01019

Text on slab:

PB 111 to 114 L 17 16 18
PB 121 L 16 18:
PB 119 to 124 Coy HQ L 25 to 29 18


I went to Cheung Kung Shan to search for it today. However, I couldn't find it near the pin location.

By the way, I'm questioning the text on this slab. the PBs mentioned are quite far away from Cheung Kung Shan. Only PB105-110 are near to this slab.

As I copied. It is not unknown for markers, particularly in isolated areas, to indicate positions a considerable distance away, particularly if they are in widely separated directions.