Photos of Wellington Barracks / HMS Tamar [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Wellington Barracks / HMS Tamar [????-????]

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1856: Map 1856 - Admiralty

1860: Canton Bazaar on the south side of the road opposite Fletche's' Godown.

1860: Panorama of Hong Kong, taken from Happy Valley Beato and J Hentry Hering

1860: Panorama of Hong Kong from Government House, showing the Fleet for North China Expedition

1882: Victoria Harbour Waterfront 1882.jpeg

1907: 1907 View over BMH & Naval Yards to Harbour

1910: 1910's Wellington Barracks

1910: 1910s Wellington Barracks

1910: Hong Kong Harbor 1910 - 15 LOC

1910: 1910s Wellington Barracks

1910: Wellington Barracks Clock - Gum Jung (gold clock)

1919: 1919 Wellington Barracks

1945: Chung Wan, Wan Chai

1949: 1949 HMS Tamar (previously 'Wellington Barracks')

1952: Wellington and Victoria Barracks 1952

1958: HMS Tamar

1965: View1 c.1965 - joiner, Feb 1965, Facebook=Andrew Richards.jpg

1966: View from Government House east towards Wanchai across Admiralty