Photos of Ice Works Causeway Bay [c.1874-c.1974] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Ice Works Causeway Bay [c.1874-c.1974]

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1900: 1900 Causeway Bay

1900: Ice Works of the Hongkong Ice Company 1900s

1925: 1920s East Point Map

1952: 1950s Causeway Bay

1952: ice works 1950s

1957: 1957 map section.

1957: 1957 map e.

1957: 1957 map f.

1960: 告士打道運河_Gloucester_Road_Canal,_1950s-1960s

1960: Victoria Park

1962: 1962 Causeway Bay - Western Entrance to Victoria Park

1965: 1965 Swimming Pools of Victoria Park in Causeway Bay = 銅鑼灣維多利亞公園游泳池

1968: Victoria Park 1968

1973: Ice Works Causeway Bay - Conveyor Belt