1910: Pedder Street Hong Kong
1914: Jardine House - Advertisement- 1914
1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking North
1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking South
1925: Hong Kong Central 1920's
1925: c.1925 Pedder Street
1935: c.1935 Des Voeux Road Central
1937: 1930s Des Voeux Road Central at junction with Pedder Street
1937: 1937 Coronation Night, Jardine House
1937: 1937 Coronation Night, Jardine House, Aleaxandra House
1937: 1937 Coronation Night, Shell House, Jardine House and Gloucester Hotel
1940: Hong Kong, family crossing the street
1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees during World War II
1940: Hong Kong, family crossing the street
1940: Des Voeux Road Central (Tram Stop near Jardine House)
1940: Hong Kong, family crossing the street
1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Pedder Street
1941: Des Voeux Road Central
1941: Crossing Des Voeux Road Central
1941: Rickshaw Rank on Pedder Street near Jardine House
1945: newspaper buyers 1945
1953: 1953 Des Voeux Road Central
: Chairs waiting at Pedder Street
: pedderstreet_with_gloucester_hotel_to_the_right_1953.jpg