Photos of Hongkong Hotel - Queen's Road at Pedder Street [1868-1952] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Hongkong Hotel - Queen's Road at Pedder Street [1868-1952]

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1868: Central & mid-levels from the Hong Kong Hotel

1868: View from Battery Point

1875: Hong Kong Hotel - Queen's Road at Pedder Street

1879: Panorama from above Conduit Road

1880: Hong Kong Hotel (1880s)

1886: Pedder wharf

1907: Campbell, Moore and Co.

1908: Hotel lamp

1908: c.1908 Pedder Street

1910: 1910 Pedder Street

1919: Pedder Street

1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking North

1921: 1920s Queen's Road Central

1924: Shell House - 1924

1925: Hotel corner

1925: c.1925 Pedder Street

1927: 18 Hilly Hong Kong City from Peak Panorama

1928: 1920s Hong Kong Hotel

1940: Wedding Kiki and Louis in HK-cake.jpg

1941: Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1941: 1941 Hong Kong Land properties

1941: Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1941: man carried in sedan, downtown Hong Kong - 1941

1945: Chung Wan

1946: Pedder Street

1947: HK Hotel 1947.jpg

1947: dad orloff.jpg

1949: gripps.jpg

1950: 132_People_Cloak_Room_Ground_Floor_HongKong_Hotel.jpg

1950: 137_People.jpg

1950: 130_People_Cloak_Room_Ground_Floor_HongKong_Hotel.jpg

1950: 135_People.jpg

1950: 143_People.jpg

1950: 134_People.jpg

1950: 138_People.jpg

1951: hong kong hotel, jan[1]. 1951

1953: 1950s Central

1954: a Queens Road.

1956: 1950s Junction of Queen's Rd C and Pedder St