Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2010: Braemar Hill AOP

2010: Braemar Hill AOP

2010: Braemar Hill AOP

2010: Braemar Hill AOP

2010: Braemar Hill AOP

1953: 1950s Kai Tak Airport

1958: Tamar 1958

1898: Medical Staff Quarters on High Street

2010: 1860s Barracks model at Hong Kong Maritime Museum

2010: Barracks 1860s

1895: Albany filter beds

1968: Cragside

1935: Mt. Kellett

1963: 1963 - Admiralty (detail)

1935: 1930s Peak School

1920: Bowen Road (Albany) Filter Beds


2009: #1 Chatham Path

1958: View from lawn at Sirmio

1958: Sirmio

1958: Sirmio

1915: St Joseph's School class picture?

1857: St. John's Cathedral

1971: Branksome Towers

1958: Sirmio
