Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2010: Pillbox 31

2010: PB 31

2010: PB 31

1910: Kowloon Ferry

1918: End of World War 1

1920: Yau Ma-ti Police Station

1910: Morrison Hill Road

1960: Suzie Wong - Ferry Street

1960: Suzie Wong - Tops Bar

1960: Suzie Wong - Far Eastern Motors

1960: Suzie Wong - Ferry Street (courtesy of HKMan)

1960: Suzie Wong - Centre Street (courtesy of HKMan)

1960: Suzie Wong - Square St (courtesy of HKMan)

1960: Suzie Wong - Harbour

1960: Suzie Wong - Johnston Road (courtesy of HKMan)

1960: Suzie Wong - Johnston Road

1960: Suzie Wong - Johnston Road

1960: Suzie Wong - Ladder St

1960: Suzie Wong - Ladder St

1960: Suzie Wong - Hollywood Rd

1960: Suzie Wong - day out with the baby

1960: Suzie Wong - day out with the baby

1960: Suzie Wong - day out with the baby

: House overlooking Happy Valley

1972: Temple?
