Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1957: Beer prices Jack Conders Bar 1957.

1957: Empire Theatre King's Road.

1957: Hoover Cinema.

1957: Kings Theatre.

1957: Metropole Theatre.

1958: New York Cinema.

1958: Popular taylor.jpg

1957: Queen's Theatre.

1957: Roxy Theatre.

1958: Bamboo and paper umbrella a

1958: Bamboo and paper umbrella b

1958: Bamboo and paper umbrella c

1960: 1960 Nathan Rd.jpg

1960: 1960 Supreme Court.jpg

1960: 1960 TST Star Hse site c.jpg

1960: 1960 TST Station.jpg

1967: 1960s Central.jpg

1960: 1960s Children.jpg

: Student Book Bag (1950s)

1958: Gibson Wing party

1958: Large catchwater.

1959: Sampans off the Point

1959: Between Big Wave Bay and Shek O

1959: Kai Tak from Mt Parker.

1959: On Mt Parker
