Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2013: Commer Crew bus a.

2013: Commer Crew bus b.

2013: Commer Crew bus c.

1957: Big Wave Bay 1957.

1957: Camp road landslide 22 May 1957 a.

1957: Camp road landslide 22 May 1957 b.

1957: Cheshire Room 40 Spring David.

1957: LSW from Big Wave Bay path May 1957.

1958: L S W ex R.A.F. Sunderland April 1958a1.

1958: L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958a2.

1958: L.S.W. ex Sunderland April 1958b1.

1957: Mess Xmas 1957 a.

1957: Mess Xmas 1957b.

1958: Queen's Road Central.

1957: Sgt Coker WO Gibbins Sgt Cameron Sg tKimber WO Russell.

1958: Shek O ex Sunderland April 1958.

1922: 1920s Praya East

1959: Blarney Stone .

1959: Blarney Stone entrance.

1959: Blarney Stone garden b.

1959: Blarney Stone garden looking South.

1959: Blarney Stone garden.

1959: Blarney Stone lounge.

1959: The Blarney Stone renovated wing

1964: 20081202_61af0949ac08fb9ca8f66vumc8wXpAGq.jpg
