Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2019: Monument at Lam Tei irrigation Reservoir

1970: Ocean Bar

1975: Sing Bar.jpg

1970: Liberty Bar

1975: Club Secret

1970: Fuji Ball Room

1970: Oriental Ball Room

1970: Tonnochy Ball Room

1975: Moulin Rouge Night Club

1970: Highball Restaurant and Night Club

1970: America Night Club & Bar

1970: Hong Kong Playboy Bar

1964: Russian Refugees at the Hong Kong YMCA

1964: Russian Refugees at the Hong Kong YMCA

1964: Russian Refugees in Hong Kong

1966: Russian Refugees in Hong Kong

1977: Club Gas Light

1975: Grand Hotel

1980: Huntsman Inn

1975: Country Steak House & Coffee Shop

1975: The Cave Night Club

1975: 1970s Excelsior Hotel

1978: Old China Hand Tavern - Wanchai

2012: Roast suckling pig

2012: Old fashioned banquet catering company
