Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1970: Mikado Night Club

1969: Hong Kong Hotel Opening

1974: Four Seasons Restaurant

1905: Postcard Hong Kong - Hong Kong View from the Cricket Ground, 1905

1930: Postcard Chinese Wedding Procession, 1930s

1970: Hong Kong Standard Newspaper

1968: MSA - Malaysia-Singapore Airlines

1978: The Bombay Restaurant

1970: Universal Playboy Club

1975: 1970s Hilton Hotel

1975: 1970s The Hong Kong Hotel, Canton Road, TST

1970: Plaza Night Club

: Parade in Kowloon

1975: La Bamba Restaurant

1976: Landau's

1975: Jimmy's Kitchen

1975: Popeye Night Club

1980: Beefy's Tavern

1975: New Olsen Inn

1975: New Marseille Restaurant

1970: Sunning House Hotel

1970: The Steakman Charcoal Grill

1975: Diamond Steak House

1975: Ambassador Hotel

1970: Sun Ya Hotel/Restaurant/Night Club
