Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1956: Brian

1953: 367 Signals Unit Kai Tak.

1951: Kai Tak billet.

1951: Kaitak

1951: Kaitak

1951: Sampan.

1951: Star Ferry.

1951: Star Ferry pier Central

1959: Wanchai Hennessy Road

1959: Wanchai b

1970: Diamond Horse Shoe Steak House (2nd Location)

1970: Juno Revolving Restaurant

1975: Red Carpet Restaurant

1975: Club Hot Pants

1970: Candle Light Bar

1975: Club Danshaku

1975: 1970s Furama Hotel - The Club

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Greetings from Hongkong Chinese Fortune Teller

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Stone steps of Pottinger Street; Chinese Junk carrying cargo near Kowloon, Hongkong.

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper; map of Hong Kong

2019: Pillbox 126 by the road

2019: interior of Pillbox 126

2019: Pillbox 126 by the road

1910: Chinese craftsman with a group of young spectators, ca. 1910

1954: Peak Tram at May Road
