Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2011: Outdoor Hairdresser

1964: Schools Art Project 1964 a.

1964: Schools Art Project 1964 b.

: Close-up of pig in Ma Hang squatter area

: 20190203_122323.jpg

: 20190203_122338.jpg

2014: Chinese Public Dispensary, Sham Shui Po

2014: Chinese Public Dispensary, Sham Shui Po

1958: Camp social event.

1959: Christmas in LSW canteen.

1959: Jim (me) dancing with Nancy - LSW.

1960: Guardroom.

1960: Jim in newly shortened shorts.

1960: Jim, John, Bob.

1960: WC Segar & WVS Lady.

1959: WC Segar Christmas 1959.

1980: Kowloon in the 1980's

1960: Little Sai Wan 1960.jpg

2008: Ned Kelly's Last Stand

1976: 1976 Cornwall Ave.

1977: 1977 TST Hankow road

2010: Ned Kelly is alive!

1960: Arrival day Kai Tak Airport January 1960.

1960: Dec 3rd 1960 leaving LSW for England.

: DSCN4259.JPG
