Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1952: Ladder Street 1952.

1952: Queens Road Central

1952: Queens Road West maybe b

1952: Queen's Building Connaught Road

1952: Wellington Street

1952: Junction of Graham Street off Queen's Road Central.

1952: Temple entrance maybe

1952: Street scene

: Nathan Road maybe

1952: Rickshaws

1952: Cochrane Street

1952: Sugar Street

1952: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank

1952: Street scene

1953: Jubilee Street ferry pier

: DBS Students p 157

: DBS Students p 171

: DBS Students p 169

: Front of the house & entry

: Back of the house, yellow colour

: IMG_3091.JPG

2019: IMG_3116.JPG

1975: Cathay Pacific Service

1974: Thingummy's Discotheque

1970: Honolulu Restaurant and Bar
