Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1975: Little Club Bar

1975: Maxim's Boulevard - Ocean Terminal

1975: Maxim's Restaurant - Lane Crawford House

1973: Indonesia Restaurant

1975: Club Keyhole

1970: Crazy Horse Saloon

1970: Sing Bar

1975: Downtown Discotheque

1975: Four Sisters' Bar

1975: Ocean Club/Bar

: DBS Students p 153

1930: HONG KONG1 Star Ferry Hong Kong 1b-page-001.jpg

: BOP south

: BOP south

: BOP south

2011: Wanchai from Victoria Park Road

1952: cinema ticket 1952 (rear).jpg

: cinema ticket 1952.jpg

1975: 1975 World Trade Centre = 世界貿易中心 hong kong

1958: 1950s Yuen Long Main Street

1970: Sandy's Coffee Shop & Cafeteria Bar

1980: The World of Suzie Wong, Bar City, New World Centre

: Ship Inn

1970: The Pub

1975: Back Door Night Club
