Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1975: Side Door Club

: PB 027

: PB 027

2019: PB 027

1975: Club Maze

1970: Regalia Restaurant

1970: Washington Bar

1975: Lee Gardens Restaurant

1975: The Galley Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar

1960: Sek Kong girl with brother.

1960: Sek Kong girl with brothers.

1960: Sek Kong grass cutters.

1960: Sek Kong Land Rover.

1960: Sek Kong main units.

1960: Sek Kong Popsi.

1960: Sek Kong RAF Nissen hut.

1960: Sek Kong village main street.

1960: Sek Kong warning sign.

1960: Sek Kong.

1960: Solar Star ferry.

1960: SS Canton.

1960: Vehicle ferry.

1960: Yoke in use.

1979: Club Golden Bottle

1979: Club Magpie
