Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: Hugo's 1980.jpg

2000: Lyemun camp entrance

2000: Lyemun parade ground and billet

1980: Polaris Nightclub 1980

1980: Playboy Cabaret 1980

1961: Taipan leaves HK

2012: Hong Kong Float at Lord Mayor's procession, London, 2012

1952: Lyemun camp 1952.

1952: Lyemun parade ground 1952.

1952: Lyemun parade1952.

1952: Shaukiwan 1952.

1952: Shaukiwan below Lyemun camp road 1952.

1952: Shaukiwan near tram terminus 1952.

1952: Lyemun 1952.

1975: The Nile Bar

1970: Boston Night Club & Bar

1975: Wonder Land Cafe

1958: 1950s Theatre Lane

1955: 1950s Graham Street

: From menu at YuccaDeLac Stanford shopping center

1910: Village in the Hong Kong area, ca. 1910

1910: Village in the Hong Kong area, ca. 1910

1910: Hunting group, Shanghai, ca. 1910

1953: Ewart on Middle Road.

1952: Near Star Ferry pier 1952.
