Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2004: Peak Tram and new Richmond Houses (2004)

1925: c.1920s Dollar Line ship at Kowloon Wharves

1955: 1950s view over Sai Ying Pun

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 1 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 2 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 3 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1987 (part 1 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1987 (part 2 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1987 (part 3 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956 (part 1 of 2)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956 (part 2 of 2)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Belcher's Bay' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956

1929: Beach photo.JPG

1929: Stanley Bay 1929.JPG

2015: View from Stanley Beach to Cape D'Aguilar

: Stanley recent view Google.jpg

2004: Land reclamation in Central (2004)

1950: Mr. & Mrs. Harry Ching's wedding anniversary dinner

1928: Dransfields&Warrens_at_matshed.jpg

1928: Dransfields&Warrens_Stanley_Beach.jpg

2015: C. Cheung

2015: Signature - C. Cheung

2015: Painting by Jiiling

2015: Signature Jiiling

2002: Peak Tram and new Richmond Houses (2002)
