Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1987: The old firing range at the Point

1987: The camp from the old firing range

1987: Rest area

1987: Path to Big Wave bay

1987: Tech Block Entrance

1987: Corridor in Tech Block

1987: Tech Block guard room

1987: Future signs

1987: Tech Block portico and Sergeants' Mess

1987: Station Headquarters.

1987: Portal Wing

1987: Sergeants' Mess

1987: Little Sai Wan from old sea wall

1987: View from the old West headland

1958: Hong Kong Police Cricket Gound adjoining Craigengower CC

1957: KCC ground

1957: RAF Kai Tak Cricket Pitch

1957: WW2 North Gun Emplacement - Mount Davis

1957: Sir Alaxander Grantham taking salute B of B parade

1957: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank

1958: Site of Mount Davis School

1957: Dyers at foot of Mount Davis

1958: Queen Mary Hospital presumably from Mount Davis

1958: View towards Waldorf Hotel, North Point?

1958: View towards HK Island over Kowloon Railway
