Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1987: The Praya Cheung Chau

1987: Cheung Chau southern part

1987: The Praya Cheung Chau

1987: The Praya Cheung Chau

1987: Contented pigs?

1958: HKCC Ground from the Peak

1958: Dragon Boat race from Mount Davis

1958: Repulse Bay

1960: Family outing to KGV!

1957: Aircraft landing at Kai Tak

1957: Battle of Britain Parade

1957: Repulse Bay

1957: Sampans

1957: Fire Boat Sir Alexander Grantham

1957: HK Club

1957: Aberdeen Harbour

1957: Chinese Cinema

1957: Kai Tak

1957: RAF Kai Tak

1957: RAF Kai Tak

1957: Believed HK Central Area

: Tiger balm Gardens statue

1957: Alfred Holt Blue Funnel Line Ship

1957: Vehicular Ferry

1957: From Mount Davis looking towards Lamma
