Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: Passport Stamps 1980.jpg

1987: Pre war tenements in Wan Chai

1987: Old shop houses Li Chit street

1987: Pre-war shop houses

1987: Pre-war shop houses

1945: Fairey Barracudas fly in formation over the Japanese surrender celebrations

1945: Parade and review during the Japanese surrender celebrations

1945: Ceremonies at a cenotaph

1945: Longer view of the ceremonies at the cenotaph

1945: People parading in a street (Oct. 1945)

1945: Fireworks over the harbour, celebrating the Japanese surrender.

1987: Book Stall in Wan Chai

1987: Butcher shop Kennedy Town

1987: Wan Chai Dai Pai Dong

1987: Wan Chai Undertakers's shop

1987: Pre packed crabs Wan Chai

1987: Wan Chai food shop

1987: Funeral offerings shop Wan Chai

1955: 1955 RAF Mount Davis football team

: Central Theatre

2015: "Chong Chin" district

1981: Stanley St Stephen's College Bungalow B garage

1981: Stanley St Stephen's College Bungalow B

1981: St Stephen's College Stanley

1981: Path to Bungalow B St Stephen's College
