Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1981: Stanley St Stephen's College

1987: Stanley Main Beach looking North

1987: Stanley Main Beach

1987: Stanley Bay

1987: Stanley St Stephen's Beach

1987: Stanley St Stephens Beach

1987: Stanley village waterfront

1987: Stanley Main Beach

1987: Big Wave Bay

1958: Matshed theatre on car park

1958: Matshed theatre on car park

1987: Matshed theatre Shek O

1987: Rocky Bay Shek O

1987: Shek O Rocky Bay

1964: China_Fleet_Club.jpg

1964: Harlem_Globe_Trotters-HK.jpg

1964: Helen_Shapiro-HK.jpg

: image-233.jpg

1964: image-236.jpg

: image-244.jpg

1964: image-274.jpg

1964: Lepers-HK.jpg

1964: Sea_Palace-HK.jpg

1964: Shirley_Bassey-HK.jpg

1987: Pak Sha O Ha Yeung Farm
