Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1987: Snake Shop

1987: Snakes in wire cages

1987: Kowloon from Peak Tram

1960: Level Crossing 平交道口 : SAN FUNG AVENUE 新豐路 / SAN WAN LANE 新運里 ( 1911 - 1981 )

1950: Level Crossing 平交道口 : SAN FUNG AVENUE 新豐路 / SAN WAN LANE 新運里 ( 1911 - 1981 )

: 545a The Peak from 1950/1951

: 545a The Peak in 1953

: Illegible word.jpg

1930: Big_Wave_Bay.jpg

1920: 1920s Statue Square.jpg

1930: 1930s Postbox Postcard

1987: Star Ferry Piers Central

1987: Star Ferry pier Central

1987: Mandarin hotel balcony view

1987: the old Supreme Court building from Mandarin hotel

1987: Old Supreme Court Building from Mandarin balcony

1987: Court House Square from HKSBC building

1987: Cenotaph

1981: Sung Dynasty village acrobats

1981: Sung Dynasty village carpenter

1981: Sung Dynasty village fortune teller

1981: Sung Dynasty village musician

1981: Sung Dynasty village brochure

1981: Sung Dynasty village main street

1981: Sung Dynasty village restaurant
