Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1934: Stanley matshed1934(2).JPG

: Royal Automobile Club HK Car Badge.jpg

1920: Boat under construction

1934: Stanley matshed1934(1).JPG

1986: A bird's eye view of high rise development around Statue Square = 從高處俯瞰皇后像廣場一帶的發展1986

2015: Flying Tigers-001

2015: Flying Tigers-002

1935: 1930 Eastern Hospital Rd.jpg

1930: Does anyone recognize this 1930s building?

1953: 1953 Wanchai streetscene

1958: 1958 TST waterfront

1974: 1974 Furama Hotel

1974: 1974Shatin.jpg

1990: circa 1990.jpg

: 1905 news.JPG

: 1940s map.jpg

1952: 4-7-52- Harbour from ferry- Hong Kong

1952: Aerial view Kowloon/TST

1934: Swimsuits1930s.JPG

1933: Knitted swimsuits(2).JPG

1921: Flags on lifebuoy

1921: Couple on boat

1921: Repulse Bay

1921: Repulse Bay Hotel garage

1920: Launch on slip
