Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1982: Satellite View of Far East Camp

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

1945: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1945

2012: Defence Lot 2

1998: St. Stephens Memorial Stone - Stanley Military Cemetery 1998

1998: Portrait Artist - Stanley Village 1998

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1944: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1944

1998: KMB Gold 'Bus - 1998

1998: Statue - King George VI

1999: Shoeshine - Central Alleyway, 1999

1999: Court of Final Appeal - 1999

1937: Hong Kong Riding (Jockey?) Club c1937

1943: Air Raids on Hong Kong-1943

1943: Air Raids on Hong Kong-November 1943
