Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1846: 1846 - sketch map - stanley from the southwest

1846: 1846 - sketch map - CHUCK CHU (STANLEY) from the northwest

1932: 1932 National Commercial & Savings Bank Building site acquired

1933: 1933 National Commercial & Savings Bank Building opens

2014: Leen Leen Yau Yu

2014: Kung Hei Fat Choi

1958: Chinese Methodist Church 1958

1970: Fishermen's children

: Boys

: Buildings

1976: Wanchai 1976

1923: 1924 - Re-numbering of the Peak

1935: 1930s Happy Valley Military Parade

1937: 1937 Bank of East Asia Building

1983: HSBC entrance at QRC 1983

1950: Eyrie site

: Lee Hysan's "Big House" and "Lee Building"

1930: c.1930 View over Central from Peak

1957: Peter Morton's Album - 11 (Shatin)

: 1934 Ford or 1935 Triumph

1910: Craigmin - Study ? Living room ?

1910: Craigmin - Studio

1910: Craigmin East - Stubbs Road (now Peak road) in foreground

1910: Craigmin - Drawing room

1910: Craigmin - Dining room
