Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1920: Entering Port Through Sulphur Channel

1999: Kowloon Bird Market - 1999

1999: Bird Walker - Kowloon Bird Market 1999

: Mt. Kellett 1909 map showing Des Voeux Villas

1900: Mt. Kellett

1910: Barker Road

2014: F.L. 64

2014: F.L. 64

1930: 1930s Nathan Road

1935: 1930s HMS Cumberland

1935: 1930s Deep Water Bay

1934: 1930s Naval Yard Tennis Courts

1935: 1930s OC409 at Stonecutters Island

1932: 1930s KJS Pupil on Rickshaw

1930: 1930s Racecourse and Morrison Hill

1936: 1930s S. S. Rajputana in Victoria Harbour

1943: MacPherson-Brooks Wedding 1943, Stanley Prison Camp, police

1964: Beatles 'go home'1964

1964: The Beatles arrive at Kai Tak - 1964

: Aberdeen harbour - CNY 1969

1906: Typhoon Postcard 1906

: A surprize no one expected

1962: Intersection of Waterloo Road and Nathan Road, 1962

1960: Mong Kok Building, c1960

1967: Police Training School,Passing Out Parade,June 1967
